Philosophy Infinitism vs. limitismLimitism is based on the book "The Limits to Growth", published in 1972. It describes the hopeless situation in a world without renewable energies and recycling.
Despite or precisely because of its great weaknesses, limitism claims to be the only valid truth. It is claimed that non-limitist parties are anti-democratic and must be banned. States that are not limitist are portrayed extremely badly. Conflicts with such states are elevated to a kind of holy war that must not be lost, whatever the cost, even if it means World War 3 and the existence of humanity. Limitism cannot be corrected because every critic is immediately regarded as an enemy. In terms of level, it is comparable to the Catholic Church in the Middle Ages and its institution of the Inquisition.
On the contrary, limitist thinking is the worst enemy of a viable energy transition. In the spirit of saving, limiting and doing without, the aim is to largely dispense with electricity storage.
My first encounter with one of the worst forms of limitism, the Guide Stone cult, was in 1992. This video from 2022 reports on the absolute madness.
If you have such a lobby, you no longer need enemies. Since then, I have been calling on the members of this lobby to come to terms with these mistakes, but they think they have done everything right.
Let's imagine you wanted to build a battery factory in 2014 and were looking for financing from banks and investors. But everyone says “Don't you know the AGORA Energiewende report? We won't need batteries for the energy transition for another 20 years”.