The 3 instead of 300 tons principle
The per capita / lifetime consumption of fossil energy in Austria and Germany is 300 tons. These must be replaced by about 3 tons sustainable energy technology.  

The 3 instead of 300 tons principle

The per capita / lifetime consumption of fossil energy in Austria and Germany is 300 tons. These must be replaced by about 3 tons sustainable energy technology.

  The political pictogram

In seiner durchschnittilichen Lebenszeit verbraucht der Bürger eines Industriestaats wie Österreich oder Deutschland rund 300 Tonnen Öl, Gas und Kohle, die mit 500 Tonnen Sauerstoff zu 800 Tonnen CO2 verbrannt werden. Das ist Wegwerfenergie. Kaufen, verbrennen und aus den Auspuff oder Rauchfang jagen.

Die zunehmenden Beschaffungsprobleme mit den 300 Tonnen, die zunehmenden Entsorgungsprobleme, der Durchschnittsbürger wirft täglich 30 kg CO2 in die Atmosphäre weg, gefährden mehr und mehr unseren Wohlstand. Deswegen ist die Fläche, welche die 300 Tonnen fossiler Energie symbolisiert rot durch gestrichen.

In der Mitte des Recyclingsymbols ist eine schwarze Fläche, welche die 3 Tonnen dauerhafte Energietechnik darstellt. Diese 3 Tonnen dauerhafte Energietechnik kann alle paar Jahrzehnte recycelt werden und kann daher für eine sehr lange Zeit einen weltweiten Wohlstand ermöglichen.

  Further in the party program

The 3 instead of 300 ton principle
The per capita and lifetime consumption in an industrialized country is 300 tons of crude oil, natural gas and coal which are burned with 500 tons of oxygen to 800 tons of CO2.

  Other statements

Ecological footprint
The ecological footprint is used to preach saving, restriction and renunciation. An instrument of the would-be eco-dictatorship that stands in the way of world-wide prosperity.

  Throughout the history of the movement WWW

Im Herbst 1991 startete das Projekt "GEMINI bewohnbares Sonnenkraftwerk". Ab Frühjahr 1992 wurde über dieses Projekt das Buch "Aufstieg zum Solarzeitalter" geschrieben.

  Im Buch Calculation ERROR

Dieser nötige Wechsel unsers Energiesystems ist der Hauptgrund, dass dieses Buch geschrieben wurde.

  • Seite 14 und 15 im Vorwort
  • Seite 381 bis 403 beschreibt die Wand auf die wir zu rasen und die grenzenlose Zukunft, die möglich ist.
WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement
Mankind has the technology for a lasting paradise, but a policy for hell on earth. Our mission is to change that.

Why yet another new party? Why yet another new party?
Our present policy is harmful to people, environment and economy. All existing parties fear regarding the necessary radical reforms.

We are convinced that man has the ability to create a lasting civilization. This enduring civilization is inextricably linked to worldwide wealth.

Fundamentals of politics Fundamentals of politics
The view of the WWW movement on the dangers of the present situation, on the wall, on which we rave full speed, on human rights which are violated.

Key themes of the WWW movement
All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

Positions of the WWW
From the Basics and the principles of the Core Issues the positions of the movement WorldWide Wealth are logically derived.

Interaction of Infinitism, WWW and GEMINI next generation house Interaction of Infinitism, WWW and GEMINI next generation house
Philosophy Infinitism, WWW policy to implement the philosophy and the GEMINI next generation house, developed with the aim of enabling this policy.

  Key themes of the WWW movement

All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

Duty to rule Duty to rule
It is amazing that the policy is so far degenerated that you have to mention at all the duty to govern and the duty to perceive risks and react to.

Free work Free work
Tax laws that force every employer to save people have a large share in our social and economic problems.

Land for energy Land for energy
Affordable housing and an affordable energy transition. Living close to the city with its own garden not as unaffordable luxury, but already in social housing possible.