Duty to rule
It is amazing that the policy is so far degenerated that you have to mention at all the duty to govern and the duty to perceive risks and react to.  

Duty to rule

It is amazing that the policy is so far degenerated that you have to mention at all the duty to govern and the duty to perceive risks and react to.

  The political pictogram

There is a danger, it is viewed. What is the most normal reaction of a motorist when he takes a risk on the road right? Steering and / or braking! This natural reaction has somehow got lost in politics.

Our current policy is like a bus driver on a dangerous mountain road, the strictly refuses to open his eyes and the steering wheel ever touching. Instead, he constantly rambles of an infinite plane, where nothing can happen, it's all very well, it all goes perfectly, full speed ahead.

I call the politics of recent decades a refusal to govern.

  Further in the party program

The government's obligation to intervene principle
When social harmony is threatened, the government has a duty to intervene in the framework of supply, demand and price.

  Other statements

Einstein quote due to current politics Einstein quote due to current politics
Originally Posted by Albert Einstein: The purest form of madness is to leave everything in the old and at the same time to hope that something changes.

  Throughout the history of the movement WWW

Schon 1992 wurde in "Aufstieg zum Solarzeitalter" die Handlungsverweigerung der Politik in Karikaturen auf Seite 18 und Seite 19 angeprangert.

  Im Buch Calculation ERROR

  • Seite 238 bis 239 Karikaturen zum Deutschen Bundestagswahlkampf 2009: "Die Titanic rast durchs Eismeer, die Brücke leer und verlassen".

  • Seite 390 "Ein hoher Lebensstandard für jeden Menschen" nennt die Gründe für die Weigerung zu regieren.
WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement
Mankind has the technology for a lasting paradise, but a policy for hell on earth. Our mission is to change that.

Why yet another new party? Why yet another new party?
Our present policy is harmful to people, environment and economy. All existing parties fear regarding the necessary radical reforms.

We are convinced that man has the ability to create a lasting civilization. This enduring civilization is inextricably linked to worldwide wealth.

Fundamentals of politics Fundamentals of politics
The view of the WWW movement on the dangers of the present situation, on the wall, on which we rave full speed, on human rights which are violated.

Key themes of the WWW movement
All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

Positions of the WWW
From the Basics and the principles of the Core Issues the positions of the movement WorldWide Wealth are logically derived.

Interaction of Infinitism, WWW and GEMINI next generation house Interaction of Infinitism, WWW and GEMINI next generation house
Philosophy Infinitism, WWW policy to implement the philosophy and the GEMINI next generation house, developed with the aim of enabling this policy.

  Key themes of the WWW movement

All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

The 3 instead of 300 tons principle The 3 instead of 300 tons principle
The per capita / lifetime consumption of fossil energy in Austria and Germany is 300 tons. These must be replaced by about 3 tons sustainable energy technology.

Free work Free work
Tax laws that force every employer to save people have a large share in our social and economic problems.

Land for energy Land for energy
Affordable housing and an affordable energy transition. Living close to the city with its own garden not as unaffordable luxury, but already in social housing possible.