CO2 certificate trade

CO2 certificate trade must be rejected. It's like having to bet your fortune on red or black in a casino that you know is being manipulated.

  Planning reliability

Planning reliability for the phasing out of old and the introduction of new technology. This demand was already made in 1992 on page 158 of "Ascent to the Solar Age".

Environmentally committed entrepreneurs put their company at risk because they take measures to reduce CO2 emissions that only pay for themselves from 100 EUR per tonne of CO2, but endanger the existence of the company at 3 EUR per tonne of CO2.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs believe that doing nothing at all is the best strategy. If then the certificate price rises to 300 EUR per ton the company is broken.

It's like sitting at the roulette table in a casino and betting your entire fortune on red or black. Will the ball fall to 3 or 300 EUR per ton of CO2? This is the opposite of planning security.

  For people instead of for the casino

The CO2 tax, in EU election program 2014 200 EUR CO2 tax are proposed, this should finance a revenue-neutral restructuring of the tax system. In the case of Austria and Germany, EUR 200 per tonne of CO2 can be used to finance a reduction in employers' and employees' social security contributions of EUR 180 per month each.

WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement
Mankind has the technology for a lasting paradise, but a policy for hell on earth. Our mission is to change that.

Why yet another new party? Why yet another new party?
Our present policy is harmful to people, environment and economy. All existing parties fear regarding the necessary radical reforms.

We are convinced that man has the ability to create a lasting civilization. This enduring civilization is inextricably linked to worldwide wealth.

Fundamentals of politics Fundamentals of politics
The view of the WWW movement on the dangers of the present situation, on the wall, on which we rave full speed, on human rights which are violated.

Key themes of the WWW movement
All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

Positions of the WWW
From the Basics and the principles of the Core Issues the positions of the movement WorldWide Wealth are logically derived.

  Positions of the WWW

From the Basics and the principles of the Core Issues the positions of the movement WorldWide Wealth are logically derived.

Minimum wage
For decades, governments have ignored the duty to govern. This was the only way that severe distortions on the labour market could arise, so that minimum wages were demanded.

Rent ceiling
How can rents develop in such an upward direction? Because a fundamental mismatch between supply and demand has been created.

Registration requirements for cars Registration requirements for cars
For our mobility to remain affordable, plug-in hybrid and electric cars must reduce the demand for oil as quickly as possible and become cheaper through mass production.

Government debt
Similar to an insolvent company, there must be a settlement procedure. Both the granting of the loans and the repayment are based on unrealistic assumptions.

Ecological footprint
The ecological footprint is used to preach saving, restriction and renunciation. An instrument of the would-be eco-dictatorship that stands in the way of world-wide prosperity.