Einstein quote due to current politics
Originally Posted by Albert Einstein: The purest form of madness is to leave everything in the old and at the same time to hope that something changes.  

Einstein quote due to current politics

Originally Posted by Albert Einstein: The purest form of madness is to leave everything in the old and at the same time to hope that something changes.

Do you remember all the promises made by the established parties? Less unemployment, affordable housing, more climate protection. After all the election campaign, we would have to live almost in paradise. But all the promises of the election are against the fixed intention to change nothing, at best changes in homeopathic doses.

Nothing represents the purest form of madness better than the established parties and their politicians: "to leave everything at the same and at the same time to hope that something will change."
WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement WWW - WorldWide-Wealth Movement
Mankind has the technology for a lasting paradise, but a policy for hell on earth. Our mission is to change that.

Why yet another new party? Why yet another new party?
Our present policy is harmful to people, environment and economy. All existing parties fear regarding the necessary radical reforms.

We are convinced that man has the ability to create a lasting civilization. This enduring civilization is inextricably linked to worldwide wealth.

Fundamentals of politics Fundamentals of politics
The view of the WWW movement on the dangers of the present situation, on the wall, on which we rave full speed, on human rights which are violated.

Key themes of the WWW movement
All key themes are also unique features of the movement WWW - worldwide wealth.

Positions of the WWW
From the Basics and the principles of the Core Issues the positions of the movement WorldWide Wealth are logically derived.

  Why yet another new party?

Our present policy is harmful to people, environment and economy. All existing parties fear regarding the necessary radical reforms.

Thinking is the hardest work Thinking is the hardest work
Originally Posted by Henry Ford: Thinking is the hardest work there is. This is probably the reason why so few people deal with it.

Saving the social market economy Saving the social market economy
Ludwig Erhard wrote ''Welfare for All'' in 1957 and declared in 1974 that the era of the social market economy had long since ended.